Cyclops and Xavier were both killed off very early in the film, which never happens in the comics. My other major criticism is that X-Men 3 strays too far from the comic books and the first two films. If I was a producer of the film I would have fought tooth and nail to keep Singer and his writing team. Smith (a good film, but I think it ends too abruptly) and Jumper. Examples of his work are XXX: 2 State of the Union (a very bad film), Mr. He writes with major plot holes and under developing many aspects in films. The lost of Singer's writing team was also an important factor and Simon Kinberg was brought in to write the third film.

They was no character development and they were too many characters in the film, so it was hard to care for some of them. Brett Ratner came from an action background and he just focused on the action. He gave the film character development, the society context and made it as realistic as possible. I was looking forward to X-Men 3 when it came out and I had high hopes, unfortunately they was dashed after the first half-hour. I am a big fan of X-Men, the comic books, the cartoon in the 90s and the first two films. Reviewed by freemantle_uk 4 / 10 Disappointing The Dark Phoenix has woken within her, which has the ability to destroy anything in her way, even if that "anything" is an X-Man. Jean Grey has returned, and joined with Magneto.

Might seem easy for the X-Men to stop, but Magneto has a big advantage, which Wolverine doesn't have. Magneto, who still believes a war is coming, recruits a large team of mutants to take down Warren Worthington II and his "cure".

While some mutants do like the idea of a "cure", including Rogue, many mutants find that there shouldn't be a "cure". When a "cure" is created, which apparently can turn any mutant into a "normal" human being, there is outrage amongst the mutant community.